Starting ANOTHER game

Keep It Basic – Dev Log #0

I’m making a 3D platformer called Keep It Basic (working title). Originally, I was gonna do a rage game like Only Up, but then I was like… what if I actually made something fun LOL? Now, it’s pivoted towards more like a Super Mario 64 (sorry I haven't ever actually played this) — but basically focus is on responsive movement, speedrunning potential, and some classic collect-a-thon vibes.

Progress So Far:

  • Character Controller: Started with a janky cube that barely moved, went through a bunch of trial and error, and eventually built my own kinematic controller. In particular, THIS youtube video, which references "Improved Collision detection and Response " by Kasper Fauerby , were a lot of help in getting to an initial starting place. And of course a LOT of tweaking. Right now, movement feels crisp, which is all I really care about.
  • Mechanics: After getting the physics/character controller down, I added dashing, diving, and stomping in. Idk why but for me the dive was a struggle—I wanted it to function similar to the Fall Guys dive or a Black Ops dolphin dive. Specifically for my game, I also wanted it to function as a pseudo "3rd jump". Finally dialed it in so movement rn feels really good and can be combo'd pretty well.
  • Little QoL Stuff: Added a pause menu. Allows you to toggle debug stats ( I should've added this so much sooner lol) and a “360 Mode” where doing a quick spin pops up some goofy text. Because why not? 

What’s Next?

  • Fixing Moving Platforms – rn, standing on them is kinda cursed. The movement is fine, but the way collisions update is janky, so I gotta clean that up.
  • Stomp Attack Doing Damage – It exists, but it doesn’t actually do anything yet. So, I’ll set that up and start setting up a basic health system.
  • First Enemy – Will likely add a "Test Dummy" or like a training dummy at the same time I implement the stomp damage / health system.

That’s it for now. Gonna keep refining movement first since that’s the #1 priority—the game’s gotta feel good before I start piling mechanics on top of it. More updates soon :) hopefully

Get KeepItBasic (working title)

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