Looking Back at the Semester

Looking Back

So with every game I make I like to take a small bit of time, once I have a somewhat decent prototype working, to record a GIF or video of my game in its early stages. Honestly, I had forgotten all about it but uploading the game this morning made me remember I had it stored somewhere on my PC. After just a short amount of digging I managed to find it and figured I'd like to share a before and after.

I recorded this GIF at the very end of March this year. As you can see from the GIF, by this point I had managed to get a working avatar to move and jump around. I would still change up the movement values quite a bit after this. I also already had a working gun that fired bullets and an enemy that would just work with Goomba-style AI. Looking back at this I'm glad to see how far the game came along and that I managed to get it decently polished up.

 Joe Candle is the first game I ever built for someone other than myself. Usually the games I create are something I came up with and I play around with for a bit. However, with the soft pressure of a deadline + a team of 2 other classmates to help with ideas/brainstorming I got it completed :) 


JoeCandle.zip 4.7 MB
Jun 03, 2019

Get Joe Candle

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